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Fusion hair, how to use them and how to take care of them [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 29/1/2019 16:28:05
One of the most popular hair extension is fusion hair, the one is adored by many women in the world. However, the installation and preservation of fusion hair is quite different from other types of hair extension. In order to achieve the beautiful hair with fusion extension, in today’s discussion, we will look at how to use the fusion hair extensions and how to take care of them also. Stay tuned and figure out with us!

  • How to use the fusion hair extensions?

The fusion hair extensions are also known as u tips, v tips, keratin bonded hair extensions or pre-bonded hair extensions. Application of fusion hair is not difficult but takes a lot of effort and time to make a full wig of hair extension.

Step 1. Making sure your biological hair clean and long enough

The hair should be clean to apply the hair extension. Any excess oil (even you cannot feel it) could be obstacles for applying the hot fusion hair because you have to work with very small strands of hair, any excess oil could cause difficulties in holding the hair between your fingers. That’s why you should clean up your hair first

To install the extensions, your hair should be 5 inches (12.7 cm) minimum so that the attachment points are invisible. The extensions are applied 5 mm from the scalp.

Step 2. Sectioning the hair and apply the hair extension

First, you need to use a tail comb to take out a very thin strand of hair. Making sure that you just take out very thin and small strand of hair, if you take too much, the keratin bonds couldn’t attach both natural hair and hair extensions.

Second, placing the protecting plate on over the hair to protect the scalp. If there are any accidents happen like the keratin melted could touch the scalp and can make you be burnt, the protecting plate could help to avoid that. One more thing is protecting plate  could also keep the hair strand firmly, help the stylists more easier to apply the hair extensions. Using horizontal clips if necessary to hold the plate or strand more firmly.

Finally, placing the hair extension under the natural hair strand, use hot tool to melt the pre-tipped extensions to natural hair, your hair now is stick to the hair extension on the keratin bonds.You can use your fingers to roll the keratin bonds to make sure that the bonds cover all the hair extension and your natural hair strand. Plier could be also useful to hold the bond in some seconds until it become cool.

Step 4. Repeat the same steps to put the locks one by one across the head.

Depending on your needs, the amount of fusion hair extension applied on your head could be change. However, you need to remember that applying fusion hair extension is along the horizontal layers of your natural hair unlike tape-ins which is applied in terraced layers.

Another notice you need to pay attention to is that you had better consider the appropriate amount of hair extension. If your natural hair is very thin, don’t apply too many fusion hair extension because you need a certain amount of your natural hair to shelter the bonds not only in normal situation but also in strong activities like running, playing or do sports.

Step 5. In the end, the hair is brushed lightly to blend so harmoniously with the natural hair extensions

The final step is brushing your hair carefully to make sure that your natural hair color trend and hair extension could blend very well. This step is also useful for you to check if any bonds are loose under the pulling of comb and reapply them. Try shaking your hair lightly to check again the movements of hair extension whether they are comfortable or not. If not, the bonds could be too close to the scalp.

  • How to take care of fusion hair extension?
2.1 Washing and drying

You shouldn’t wash your hair in the same day you install the hair extension since the bonds need time to set. Washing your hair extension with mild shampoo and sulfate free is highly recommend to avoid the damage. It is also advisable to brush dry hair out completely and carefully with an extension brush before entering the shower and before bedtime. It prevents extension matting and tangling, and spreads nourishing oil throughout the extensions. One important notice in washing the Vietnam hair is that never apply hair conditioner to the bonds, otherwise, the bonds with hair extensions could slip out of your natural hair.

After washing your hair, you should dry it out the roots and the bonds immediately, Do not let water sit on the bonds for too long or the glue will break down and extensions can fall out!

2.2 Styling

Heat styling tool is very popular because of its convenient and fast effect, especially when you use the human remy hair extension which is advertised that could be use as your natural hair! However, using heat styling tool with fusion hair extension needs setting in the medium temperature and avoid completely from the bonds. Or instead, use a flat iron or large barrel curling iron for smooth styles (while keeping heat off the bonds).

2.3 Sleeping

Being sure that you put your hair in braid or ponytail to prevent the damage or tangling when you sleep. Going to the bed with wet hair or unbraided hair is the fastest way to kill your hair extension.

2.4 Bonus tips

You should avoid salt water and chlorine water these environment and soften the bonds and make it fall out but if you are so keen on swimming, a swim cap could help you. As for removal, the fusion extensions of wholesale hair should be removed by a professional in order to minimize damaging your natural hair. Removal can take 1 – 3 hours.

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