
Tiêu đề: AC/Heat control upgrade [In trang]

Thành viên: carterturner    Thời gian: 19/8/2017 16:57:09     Tiêu đề: AC/Heat control upgrade

I am the happy owner of a 2007 Country Coach Magna 620 with aVMS240 with the latest upgrade to a HMS360 display and iPhone app control. I now have the ability to monitor and control many functions via remote app and would like to expand this to control the three zones of heat and AC with the remote app as well.
The ACs, if Dometic with a data-link, are going to be a bit tricky. Currently, their wiring goes to one place and they are linked, otherwise, together. However, we'll need pair of wires to each of ACs' control board circuit, inside each AC, ran to the TM-220. The TM220 may be stowed a couple of 'convenient' places but, lets just arbitrarily say (for this chat) that it ends up near the HMS or bath / hall interior wall. This means one pair of wires from each AC must be fished through the plenum and down to the TM220. Also, a temp sensor needs to be said to the box. So, x3 sensors must be strategically placed with their pair of wires into the TM220. I do not believe there's an existing sensor to reuse.

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