
Tiêu đề: The use of SQL Server Filestream [In trang]

Thành viên: carterturner    Thời gian: 21/8/2017 17:18:59     Tiêu đề: The use of SQL Server Filestream


I currently have a process to load a data warehouse where I have a .csv file on a windows server file containing a dataset and I bulk insert this data directly from the file into a SQL Server table using a file format of the same column Structure and this data is then used to feed the data warehouse.

I am testing the use of the stream file and I want to:

1) Store the .csv data file within the filestream database

2) Read the dataset from within the csv file stored

3) Insert this dataset into a normal SQL Server table (which will then feed the data warehouse).

I have successfully setup the database and enabled the setup so that csv files, which in receive from an out of scope source, can be saved into the windows view of the stream file and they automatically appear within the SQL database and I am able to view The stream_id, file_stream, name, path_locator etc within the FileTable node in the studio manager.

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