Tiêu đề: Recommendations for new desktop PC to replace old one [In trang] Thành viên: carterturner Thời gian: 7/9/2017 19:38:21 Tiêu đề: Recommendations for new desktop PC to replace old one
I would like to get some recommendations on a new desktop PC to buy to replace an eleven year old Dell Dimension 3100 desktop PC with Windows XP. For example how much memory a new desktop PC should have; HD size; and whether to go with Windows 7 or Windows 10?
I'll be doing some web surfing on it while I use it; some Quicken; word processing and email. I'm not a gamer nor will I be downloading pictures. For basic computing needs could I get by with an i3 processor or should I consider an i5 processor? Should I stay with Dell or are other brands worth considering?
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.