
Tiêu đề: Aligning images on the page [In trang]

Thành viên: carterturner    Thời gian: 22/9/2017 16:44:25     Tiêu đề: Aligning images on the page


I know with CSS that {margin: auto;display: block;} will force the image to it's horizontal center and I also know that some CSS could be added to the class field in the components settings area. But what I can not figure out is how to address the correct component.

Did somebody run into this as well or has a successful experience in shifting the images to their horizontal center? What I would like to avoid is to change or edit in the main CSS file so plainly create a course via the Authoring Tool and not via the Framework.

Thank you in advanced.

Please help.


I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


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