
Tiêu đề: Weird errors when trying to reset Facebook Password [In trang]

Thành viên: carterturner    Thời gian: 25/9/2017 16:12:47     Tiêu đề: Weird errors when trying to reset Facebook Password

Hello,  I have my phone number associated with the acct.  However, I reinstalled the app, it no longer gives me an option to send a code to my phone.  However-and this is so weird when I send an SMS to 32665 (fbook), it posts whatever I wrote in the message on my wall as a status update (confusing all my friends lol).  So there are about a dozen posts on my wall like "help", "reset", "OTP", Ive tried waiting before and try the resets, but i keep getting the same errors.

Please help.


I did not find the right solution from the Internet.


animation video

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