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Wedding/engagement ring etiquette? [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 17/8/2017 17:37:45
I wanted to know what you guys think it was taught the proper times not to wear your wedding ring. For example I see a lot of women take it off work, or go even jogging / hiking. I also see a lot of women take it off during formal events (which I thought was odd, you can not wear it to a formal event?). Do you take it off when you shower or do dishes.

Pretty much only to clean it, otherwise it's on my finger. DH took his off due to safety concerns at work and lost it. My wedding ring is sized "user friendly". It's not large enough to get in the way. It looks a little funny with a rubber glove over it, but I can still pull one on when needed.

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