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laptops that support trickle charging from USB? [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 23/8/2017 22:11:56
Many laptops now have the ability to charge by usb C, but many of these seem quite strict in their requirements. For example I believe the Dell XPS 13 still needs around 20V at 3A (even when off) hoặc nó refuses to charge. I believe the Macbook also requires relatively high power before the charging circuit kicks in.

Does anyone know if there are any laptops that support the ability to trickle charge from low power sources eg small phone chargers? Granted it will take a long time to charge, but I would like to know if any of them make this possible?

From my research I believe the Google Chromebook Pixel can accept a trickle charge from a low powered device. Does anyone know of any other laptops?

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