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Golf in Vietnam, One of the great options [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 19/9/2018 22:50:52
Golf in Vietnam, One of the great options for those who love and love golf sports for a beautiful weekend together with Vinpearl Golf Resort Nha Trang. Situated on a picturesque valley along the pristine white sandy beach of 800m long, nestled on the island of Hon Tre, with stunning views of the ocean - one of the most beautiful bays on the planet, green, palm trees stretched, white sand dunes pure smooth. Vinperarl Nha Trang Golf Course started operation in 2011, was built on 182 hectares and has 18 holes according to international standards and designed by IMG Worldwide. This impressive 18-hole 18-hole golf course masterpiece has helped Vinperarl Golf Nha Trang become the first golf course in Vietnam to meet international standards, offering a unique and exotic experience. From all angles. Vinperarl Nha Trang Golf Course belongs to the famous Vingrop Group in Vietnam, so the general services as well as the Vinperarl Nha Trang golf course have a mission to represent the brand image to bring the best service products to Customers with the best quality according to international standards. With a total length of 6787 miles, the golf course is designed with challenging obstacles, from rolling green hills along the lake, The sand is tactical and challenging. Beautiful terrain and breathtaking scenery promise unforgettable moments for any golfer.
     Not only appreciated by the natural scenery and unique design style of golf course Vinperarl Na Trang is also well appreciated by the services, senior management, leading resort services Vietnam brings for you and your family unforgettable vacation. Vinperarl Golf Resort Nha Trang is known as the "paradise of the tropics". A world of luxury and class with decorative details in Art Deco style from the smallest details to the interior of the room ... Other useful services await you experience: beach , Danang Golf Club  swimming pool, fitness room, sauna ... The famous chefs will treat you the fresh seafood, specialties at the restaurant of international standards Vinperarl golf Nha Trang.
   The choice to stop at Vinperarl golf Nha Trang is a completely new and different resort experience. Vinperarl Golf Club is proud to be the place to experience and enjoy the warm family at home , Golf in Vietnam.

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