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Samsung J3 & iPhone 4 wifi connectivity/possible malware?? [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 23/8/2017 22:06:32
Hi all,
Our old and cheap phones have been working well for as long as we've had them. We just connected them to our host's wifi two days ago, gone in and out of range and signed in and out of other networks and had no issues signing back in / dynamically connecting to our host's wifi. Now, today, we connected both phones to a shop's wifi, did what we needed, and then left. Upon returning to host's: iPhone 4 can sign into the wifi host, but not reach the internet, and the J3 can not see our wifi host at all (though can see the neighbors'). Here's the big twist: my laptop, which did not leave the house with me but did not connect to an outside wifi - connects to the wifi host and internet fine. My partner's Samsung Galaxy S5 (not currently on any network), which stayed at home, connects fine. When I go out, My J3 can see and connect to other wifi networks fine, though it no longer notifies me when a new network is in range. Our theory: somehow the shop's network messed up our devices, and now we can not connect to the wifi host / see it at all on the networks list. What the heck is happening, and how do we right it? Or did some bad malware shiz go down when we connected to the wifi shop? Thanks in advance .... - stumped and worried in Dublin And how do we right it? Or did some bad malware shiz go down when we connected to the wifi shop? Thanks in advance .... - stumped and worried in Dublin And how do we right it? Or did some bad malware shiz go down when we connected to the wifi shop? Thanks in advance .... - stumped and worried in Dublin

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