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Red Sail Cooking Class In Central Hoi An [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 13/10/2017 15:01:20
Red Sail is cooking class in central hoi an[url]http://redsailcookingclass.com/[/url]. It is a European restaurant located next to the romantic Hoai River in Hoi An old town. This is a restaurant with nice, polite, spacious and airy space overlooking the river. At the same time, it can serve many customers with quality assurance. The restaurant has a staff of enthusiastic, friendly, hospitable chefs with good and professional, specializing in serving the tour and guests tour in and out of the country when coming to Hoi An.

Come to Red Sail cooking class[url]http://redsailcookingclass.com/[/url] - "WHERE YOU CAN NOT WANNA" when traveling to Hoi An, you will enjoy many specialties here and other fast food, delicious, attractive as Cao Lau, Fish grilled banana leaves, specialty pancakes, Quang noodle ...

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