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Selling used Apple plugs ? [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 15/9/2017 14:05:50


We have things like old used (but working, and genuine Apple original) plugs and cables. Hundreds of these. Also the odd case and screensaver etc.

I would list these as used, 0.99p start auction them off. Would this be risky on a stealth account?

Could potentially list them without the word Apple in the title, not really bothered what they go for. Could even just list them as being 3rd party (none apple) thì khi người dùng mua them.

Is it just the new branded goods that tend to be risky with eBay? Would flogging a load of old plugs and cables etc be OK?

Or should I stay away all together?

Please help.


I did not find the right solution from the Internet.

References http://www.aspkin.com/forums/eba ... le-plugs-risky.html

infographic examples

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