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How do you clean Poolside carpet? [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 21/8/2017 17:21:20
Tomorrow I'm cleaning poolside carpet for a regular customer. The carpet goes nearly to the edge of the pool. I'm thinking about using a hydrogen peroxide vs my normal pre-spray. I don't want to suds up the pool or filter system!

Has anyone cleaned poolside carpet? How did you do it?I've never heard of any kind of carpet next to a pool. Seems like a bad idea even if it is an outdoor carpet. Which I'm guessing that's what it is, just outdoor carpet. Or is it something specifically made for being around pools?

We had outdoor rugs at a stadium I worked at that we would hand over a fence, spray with simple green and rinse with a pressure washer with a yellow top on it. They would get moss on them like that too. Cleaned right up. I know that's not going to work for your situation but I guess the point I'm making is those things are super forgiving.

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