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Amazon defense: Game thể loại tower defense (thủ trụ) [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 6/10/2015 16:39:22
Đây là game rất hay về thể loại tower defense,
chơi mãi mà chưa qua được hết các mission, giới thiệu để các bác xả stress:


Amazon defense: No way

They're on the run, commander. Although we're not in the clear just yet, we are organizing one last attempt at entering the city. It won't be easy. The sector they're headed to has no defenses, nothing to stop them from getting out and destroying everything.

You're going to have to get down there and take charge, set up some automated defense weapons and stop them from getting out! We need you, commander!

Link download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sat.global.games.square

tower defense, amazon defense, thủ trụ, game hay nhất
Amazon defense: Game thể loại tower defense (thủ trụ)

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