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Rosateeshop - Confederate Store | Rebel Flag [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 27/3/2023 09:35:36

Dear Valued Customers,

Welcome to ROSATEESHOP™ that is operated under O2S GROUP LTD – a company incorporated under United Kingdom law located at: 24-26 Arcadia Avenue, Dephna House #105, London, Greater London, United Kingdom (2nd Office:3525 California St, San Francisco, CA 94118, USA) and its affiliates provide access to the rosateeshop (the “website”) to your shopping experience.

We’re dedicated to giving you the best and a variety of the products with highest quality of products, that are guaranteed to meet their needs and keep them satisfied! We have dedicated staffs and strategic partners who help us research and create the products that bring the most value to our customers. We always keep an eye on the latest trends for such kind of our products and continuously improve our products and out our customer’s wishes first.

Our mission is to bring customers the best experience when using our products in both product quality and service quality.

The interests of our customers are always the top priority for us, so we hope you will enjoy our products as much as we enjoy making them available to you.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us through:

Email: support@rosateeshop.com

Address 1: 24-26 Arcadia Avenue, Dephna House #105, London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Address 2: 3526 California St, San Francisco, CA 94118 United States


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Tel: (84) 2437 875018 | (84) 2437 875017 | E-Mail: cho24h@isoftco.com

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