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Private taxi transfers Nha Trang port to Nha Trang [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 24/8/2019 08:48:28

A day trip along the river is a fantastic way to discoverNha Trang tour a day from  Nha Trangport, its people, and the local way of life. Travel through the Vietnamesecountryside and visit the locals as they go about their daily work. Travelingby boat means this day tour stays at a relaxed pace and you and the family willsee a whole range of attractions along the way.

At 8 am, our private taxi transfers Nha Trang port to Nha Trang will pick up outside of the Nha Trangport ( local name is Cau Da port) From here board the riverboat for theleisurely cruise .

Travel up the Cai River to observe the peaceful life of thevillages along Nha Trang’s waterway and witness the daily life of the localpeople.

Take a special tuk tuk to visit a wide range of localhandicrafts in production, tourists can enjoy the beautiful scenery thatunfolds along the banks, experience and make acquaintance with local people intheir natural scenery & daily life such as:

Sedge mat weaving: Sedge mat is popular to all people intropical weather. Two people working together will weave just four mats in aday, which will be taken to the local market and traded for food and otheressentials. Tourists can try weaving.

Inspirational Pagoda Orphanage: where it shelters and cares forover 160 abandoned, orphaned or street children. They range from several monthsto 9 years of age. The children of the orphanage are taken care of by a groupof Buddhist nuns and volunteers.

·        Serviceincludes : English speakingdriver,all of fuel and driver expense,parking and airport fee,water,tissue

·        Serviceexcludes : Entrancefee,tour guide,accommodation,and other service not clear mention.

·        Vietnam Budget Car Rental Company

·        Add:117-119 Ly ChinhThang St,Dis 3,HCMC,Vietnam

·        Email     : support@vietnamtrustcarrental.com

·        Hotline : +84.988.038.301(WhatsApp,Viber,Wechat)

·        Website : https://www.vietnambudgetcarrental.com

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