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What piece of jewelery are you looking to buy at this time.....? [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 17/8/2017 17:36:46
For me it is a gold wedding band with diamonds ..... to wear either alone or with a half and a half stone emerald ring which is an emerald shaped diamond with each side.
We've already paid the deposit on my RG diamond pendant so I'll treat that as already bought! So the next piece on my list are custom diamond studs. I'm hoping to get this for my birthday in July
The hubster Mr Bcat has graciously offered to reset our OEC diamond for our anniversary this year. I've been looking for months for a setting that fits all the complex variables for it.

I was hoping I could pull together to upgrade my studs to their final size this year, but that looks like a back burner project now ....

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