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Looking to hire/partner with marketing/affiliate for membership site sales. [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 19/8/2017 16:55:02
What are the projects:
One is in the legal (attorneys) niche, the other in the incentives niche.
Both VERY large markets, but also VERY competitive markets.

So far, I've handled the development end for the sites, which will be responsive web based at first. With the travel one possibly getting a native app. I also have brandable domains for each. Each is a platform directory quality for the most part. Allowing customers to list their locations / services (much like a Yelp) as well as many other features.

What I need:
What I need at launch is someone to go for S2B sales. Selling the site platforms and securing memberships on the business end (attorneys for one. Hotels, area businesses etc for the travel model). This is not only the core content of each platform, but also the primary monetization via monthly / annual subscription packages and options.

The legal platform will have no location limitation upon launch.
The travel platform will focus on 3 start ups to focus sign ups (example: New York / Miami / San Fransisco.

So, if you're interested and have the means to acquire potential sales / sign ups in either the LEGAL / ATTORNEY market and / or the TRAVEL / BUSINESS realm, please let me know. Big plus if you also do SEO, but more direct sales effort is key at first.

For more you can check

Referral Marketing system Video

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