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Go.arch - Architecture and Interior WordPress Theme [Bản quyền v 1.2.8] [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 24/9/2019 16:14:00
Link tải : https://sharecode.vn/source-code/code-23671.htm

v 1.2.8 Update ngày 02/08/2019

- Support WP 5.2
- Updated plugins

Go.arch is a luxury, elegant and trendy theme designed in two color styles: Dark & Light. You can be use it for a lot of websites, like architecture buerau, interior design, constructions, photographers and other corporate or creative websites.

XEM THÊM ==>https://sharecode.vn/source-code/code-23671.htm#huong-dan-cai-dat



Nguồn: Sharecode.vn

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