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Is that blonde good to everyone? [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 12/12/2019 10:26:29

Yes or no It depends on the subtleties ofblondes. As a professional, we can guide customers to make the right choices.First, we can analyze her skin. You know, blondes are always based on clarity(like cats). To make a blonde beautiful, not a man-made one, he can't go toofar from the natural color of his hair. Blonde hair can also be a good way tohide white hair. It will make the hair clear, make the wrinkles on the facebeautiful, even blurred.

Can I go from brown to gold?

Yes, but should we go? A warm but not coldblonde. It's complicated, it's a huge investment, because a week later, theroots come back. This means coming to the living room every week and directingevery three weeks. It's not ideal for hair either.

How do I know if my hair is strong enoughto blond?


We need to make a diagnosis before we doanything. We need to check the nature of hair if it's strong. I've been playingthe role of a security guard. I'm going to do a test first to avoid any badsurprises. Consideration must be given to the history of hair, whether it isnatural or discolored, and so on.

You decided to change your mind thisweekend. Copy this website code to your website to set up a ballot box on yourwebsite. But when you take action, doubts occupy you: you fear the disaster ofyour hairlacewigs. Don't worry. Listen to me.

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