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Solder Material Market Share, Industry Growth, Trend, Drivers, Challenges, Key C [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 1/4/2021 12:30:51

The Global  Solder Material Market is expected to be valued at USD 1.49 Billion in 2027 from USD 1.15 Billion in 2019, registering a CAGR of 3.5 % through the forecast period. Solder is a fusible metal alloy (generally composed of lead and tin) that is melted using a hot iron to join or amalgamate different pieces of metal together. The solder is melted at the beginning to connect the metal pieces, and after it cools down, it creates a permanent electrical bond between these pieces. During the process of soldering, the iron is heated above 600 °Fahrenheit. However, owing to the toxic nature of lead, governments worldwide are increasingly focusing on replacing conventional solder with lead-free solder. Solder materials with a low lead content are somewhat environmentally compatible and are not banned by regulatory bodies. Lead-free  solders - which comprise tin, silver, copper, bismuth, zinc, indium, antimony, and slight traces of other metals –have a wide range of commercial applications.

The global solder material market has significant traction over recent years due gained to various favorable factors. Increasing usage of solders in the manufacture of advanced consumer electronic products, growing need for repairing and refurbishing electronic gadgets such as smartphones and computers, rising adoption of new semiconductor technologies, and the emergence of lead-free solders due to rigid government international international norms are the pivotal factors accountable for the growth of the global solder material market. Technological advancements, such as automation in soldering processes, make them more efficient and so, create further prospects for market growth in the near future. Furthermore, the growing industrial applications of solders comprising nano-paste and sub-micron particles due to their excellent properties, such as large surface energy,

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