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Am I old fashioned or does contemporary woman's fashion drive you to despair!? [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 17/8/2017 17:34:19
The other day I walked past a few shop windows with some wonderfully elegant 1920's dresses and thought 'I never see a woman wearing that when I go out.' I began paying attention to the woman around me's clothes. Jeans in a particularly offensive shade of blue, polyester everywhere, very few dresses, skirts or blouses. Admittedly its just my taste but i could not find one that elegance struck me for about an hour! Plenty of grace but not in terms of attire. I see more woman with a stylish, androgynous approach which has nothing against traditional feminine yet with a strong sense of tradition. As opposed to the many male dandies in 3 piece suits etc.
At a wedding perhaps but still a horrifying abundance of polyester!
Is it the same where you live? Can i find an oldworld elegance without a timemachine?

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