Thời gian đăng: 23/8/2017 21:09:57
Cách trình bày một bài dissertation chuẩn format
Độ dài: 50 – 80 pages (excluding appendices)
- Style and format
- Page: A4
- Font type: Times New Roman
- Font size: 13 points for the main text and smaller sizes (9 – 11 points) permited for tables, appendices, footnotes etc.
- Line spacing: 1.5 for the main text and 1.0 for tables
- Margins: top 3.5cm; bottom 3cm; left 2cm, right 2cm.
- English language used: Both American English and British English are acceptable but they need to be used consistently.
- Referencing system: APA.
Cách trình bày một bài luận tiếng anh – dissertation chuẩn forrmatAPPENDIX:A GUIDE FOR WRITING THE ACADEMIC PAPER
You are required to write an academic paper extracted from your thesis. Some general guides are as follows:
From 6,000 to 8,000 words
Structure (in general):
Introduction (problem should come from the Vietnamese market; see a sample attached), literature review and hypotheses, research methods, data analysis and results, discussion and implications, limitations and directions for future research, references, appendix. Please do not use abbreviations for concepts.
English tense used:
- Introduction, literature review: present tense
- Method, results: past tense
- Results: past or present (but need to be consistent)
- Discussion, conclusions: present
Format (A4, 1 inch margins on all sides, Times New Roman 12; line spacing 1.5; figure should be pasted using the Picture Enhanced Metafile mode from PowerPoint):
Title of the paper
Authors’ Names
(Student, e-mail, affiliation and
Supervisor, e-mail, affiliation)
(of up to 250 words)
Key words
(maximum: six)
First heading
(eg, Introduction)
Second heading
Third heading
(Please follow the APA referencing style guide attached)
The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text. Please do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a reference list.