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Battery Upgrade a Necessity? [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 4/9/2017 18:50:52
Hello. I will be ordering a new laptop very soon, possibly even tonight. I am choosing between a similar machine from one of the two companies. Will anyone please tell me if the following processor requires a 4-cell battery, over a 3-cell battery?

"AMD's quad-core APU A12-9720P (2.7GHz, 3.6GHz frequency burst up to 2 MB cache) + Graphics AMD Radeon ™ 530 (4GB of dedicated memory)"   

The first website I upgrade the battery required, in my customization process , when i chose the A12. The upgrade to a 4-cell battery is only $ 10.00, so I will not lose sleep over that part of things.  

I want to know, however, if it may be a question of negatively impacting my computer in some way and / or its (3-cell) replacement battery needing more often than a 4-cell might.

The second company says: "The AMD A12 does not have a special requirement for battery it will work with both 3 and 4 cell battery." If i purchase their laptop, it will come with a 3-cell, unless i ask and get a 4-cell installed (if they offer one).

Please help.

I did not find the right solution from the Internet.

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