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modem or cable issue? [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 27/9/2017 14:37:55
I have been having issues with internet connectivity for almost a year. I've exhausted the software and other computer issues including the 10 fixes, in addition, I replaced my router about a month or so ago. I'm down to the modem. I'm wondering if it is either an old modem or bad cabling somewhere between the pole and the modem. I'm pasting modem reports from the last episode this morning. These drops are sporadic. Can not seem to guess them or try to replicate them. Often they last for a few minutes then everything resets itself and goes back to normal. In fact, I think I miss them sometimes because they are so quick. With my new router, it seems also go down for a minute or two or three as well. Will come back on its own. I haven '

Thanks in advance

Please help.

I did not find the right solution from the Internet.

References: https://forums.techguy.org/threads/modem-or-cable-issue.1195654/

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