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Ebay charging for no use... [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 10/10/2017 21:33:01
I was there at ebay.com and wanting to purchase a book. I finally decided and was on the final page for the payment. I selected debit card as payment option and filled all my details. After doing this, I confirmed the payment but it showed me error. I tried it thrice. And I shocked when I checked my balance. My account was deducted 4 times with INR 62.78/- The payment gateway was attached with paypal. It didn't even show me, it is charging something for every unsuccessful try. And if they have some policy with them then they'd have shown it at least once. It is really unsatisfactory.

Please help.


I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

References:https://forum.indiaconsumercompl ... charging-for-no-use

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