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7 Gorgeous Wedding Hairstyles for Long Hair [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 20/6/2019 15:10:49
Every woman wants her to be special, from her dress to her bouquet to her veil-laden hairstyle. But for brides with long locks, wholesale hair wedding hair can be equally as tricky as swoon-worthy. Check out these 7 gorgeous wedding hairstyles for long hair instead.

1. Relaxed Waves
This look screams “beachy glam.” The loose waves are very on-trend, while a tiara will never go out of style. hair extension

2. Topsy Tail

Girly and fun, this ponytail is made up of miniature ponytails that have been turned inside-out. (That’s how you get the topsy-turvy look.) This style is made for the boho bride.

3. Braided Half-Up Style
This braid captures that “perfectly imperfect” bridal look, and a few sprigs of baby’s breath really brings the style home.

4. Brushed – Our Waves
Accessorize the smoothest of brushed-out curls with a modern tiara or cool barrette. This simple look lets your wedding dress and veil do the talking.

5. Braid Halo
This hairstyle is perfect for brides whose style ponytail hair goes more feminine and soft. Dotted with fresh mini roses, this braid halo makes a pretty sight when walking down the aisle.

6. Braid Crown
A braid crown is a modern-day wedding staple. For an outdoor wedding, get that fairytale feel by weaving greenery sprigs into the braid of OSCARHAIR.

7. Soft Updo

This updo can handle the thickest and longest of locks, which is not an easy feat. The look goes totally bridal: romantic, soft, and statement-making.

So you know about Gorgeous Wedding Hairstyles for Long Hair. To buy hair, please contact us by Whatsapp +84936164010 or fanpage OSCAR HAIR for more information.

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