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Vietnam Car Rental with driver [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 24/7/2019 13:50:51

Vietnam Budget carRental company offers a private car rental in Vietnam ( incpudes car rentalwithout driver) as well as Vietnam Car Rental with driver , we guarantee to offer the competitiveprivate car rental (with driver) in Hanoi. We cooperate with over 100 leadingsuppliers we guarantee to offer the cheapest car hire in Hanoi and all of ourrates are fully inclusive with no hidden extras – included driver, fuel, tollfees and parking fees (other than prior notification/confirmation).

Whether you’re looking for the best deal or just want to ride in style, we canhelp you find cheap car rental deals across all the major car rental companies.Every day our clients can benefit from our partners, and only those rental companiesthat can provide a high level of service are our service providers.

If you are going toVietnam for your trip in Ho Chi Minh,Hanoi,Danang,Nha Trang,Dalat,but unknowbefore how much dose it cost to rent a car with driver 1 day in Vietnam?

How much dose it cost to rent a car with driver a day in Ho Chi Minh Vietnam?

How Much Dose It Cost To Rent A Car With Driver 1 Day In Vietnam?
We offer a similar of charge for your holiday, tour customized, shopping +sightseeing around in Ho Chi Minh city so the base cost to rent a car a day inHo Chi Minh just from 65$USD/day.

If you are looking for how much dose it charge for a private rent a car withdriver a day in Hanoi Vietnam for your holiday, tour customized, shopping +sightseeing around in Hanoi then base cost to rent a car a day in Hanoi from69$USD/day.

If you are looking for a cost to hire a car with driver in Nha Trang Vietnam?for your holiday, tour customized, shopping + sightseeing around in Nha Trangso a base charge to rent a car a day in Nha Trang just 69$USD/day.

If you are looking for a charge to rent a car with driver in Danang, HoianVietnam? for your holiday, tour customized, shopping + sightseeing around inDanang,Hoian,Ba Na Hill,golden bridge so a base charge to rent a car a day inDanang is 69$USD/day.

How Much Dose It Cost To Rent A Car With Driver 1 Day In Vietnam?

If you are looking for how much charge to hire a car with driver in DalatVietnam for your holiday, tour customized, shopping + sightseeing around inDalat city as well as the waterfall so a base charge to rent a car a day atDalat is 69$USD/day.

What is the car rental cost of 65$USD/day includes and excludes on the charge?what kind of the car/vehicles to rent a day? How long dose it use for a day?and how many km expense for a day? are there any hidden charge? tips for driverhow much?

·        Serviceincludes : English speaking driver,all of fuel and driver expense,parking andairport fee,water,tissue

·        Serviceexcludes : Entrance fee,tour guide,accommodation,and otherservice not clear mention.

·        Cancellationpolicy: No charge forcancellation before 3 days deposit in advance will be off 5% and free for alocal sim card of cell phone

·        For furtherinformation,please inbox us: support@vietnamtrustcarrental.com

·        Hotline: +84 98 803 83 01     

·        Website:  https://www.vietnambudgetcarrental.com/main.html

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