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Hoi An Laundry Service [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 8/9/2019 12:53:32

Anh Khoa Hoi An provides Laundry Express is the premier laundry pickup and delivery service for Hoi An. For over 7 years we’ve been earning the trust of our community’s families, businesses and schools by providing the best laundry Hoi An

Anh Khoa Hoi An Express Laundry Center, we carefully wash, dry, fold and package your laundry! Simply drop laundry off with us and pick it up when it’s done. Unlike other laundries, we are here for you seven days a week. Use our convenient drop box whenever an attendant isn't on duty. Visit our contact page for more information about our attended hours.

Laundry Express is the premier laundry pickup and delivery service for Hoi An. For over 7 years we’ve been earning the trust of our community’s families, businesses and schools by providing the best laundry Hoi An

Contact: Laundry Hoi An Express
Phone: (+84) 935 439 306
Email: info@hoianit.com
Website: www.hoianit.com

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Công ty CP Phần mềm Trí tuệ
Số ĐKKD: 0101763368 do Sở KH & ĐT Tp. Hà Nội cấp lần đầu ngày 13/7/2005, sửa đổi lần thứ 4 ngày 03/11/2011
Văn phòng: Tầng 9, Tòa Linh Anh, Số 47-49 Khuất Duy Tiến, P. Thanh Xuân Bắc, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội
Tel: (84) 2437 875018 | (84) 2437 875017 | E-Mail: cho24h@isoftco.com

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