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The service taxi transfers from Ho Chi Minh to Can tho by car [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 20/11/2019 15:19:48

- SUVs of 7 seats  ( air-condition) - ( Toyota Innova,Kiasorento,Nissan ) maximum 6 per person & lagguge will be:85$(USD); book now

- Limousines Van 16 seats ( air-condition)- ( Mer sprinter.Fordtransit) maximum for 14 per person will be : 112$(USD); book now.

You can hire a taxiHo Chi Minh airport to Can Tho  or otherlocations so that you can pick up your corporate guests and drive them incomfort in order to impress them.

Reasons to hire a taxi Ho Chi Minh airport transfers?

It may happen that you are expecting an important guest but youare not in the condition to go to the airport to pick them up. In this case,you can leave the situation to us and our well-trained chauffeurs. You can getour service of car rental with driver Ho Chi Minh airport, Saigon airport (SGN) to Can Tho Vietnam for the purpose of picking up your guests from theairport or anywhere else.

On demand, we can offer you with a car rental with Englishspeaking driver Ho Chi Minh to Can Tho and others so that your guests do nothave any difficulty in conversation in need.

What can we offer the private car, van transportation for you toCan Tho?

As mentioned above, we offer English speaking chauffeurs so thatyour guests can have a smooth conversation in need. But apart from this, wealso offer other services while you rent a car with driver Ho Chi Minh to CanTho and others. The chauffeurs are professionally dressed and are skilled indriving techniques.

+ Service cost includes :local English speakingdriver, all of fuel and driver expense, parking.

+Service cost excludes : Accommodation, entrance fee, travel insurance,meals and other service not clear mention.

Add:117-119 Ly Chinh Thang St,Dis 3,HCMC,Vietnam

Email     :info@vietnamtrustcarrental.com

Hotline : +84.988.038.301(WhatsApp,Viber,Wechat)

Skype    :Andy.pham381

Website : https://www.vietnambudgetcarrental.com/main.html

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