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Gorgeous on straight or wavy hair [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 18/12/2019 10:53:18

Graphic and short to structure the face

The straight squares with graphic lines areperfect for bringing pep to the face. Gorgeous on straight or wavy hairbuy human hair wigs uk, theycan also be worn with bangs for an even more structured result. If you fall fora short square, do not hesitate to degrade the locks in front of the face togive it even more movement and volume.


In this new comedy, Christian Clavierembodies a recently divorced man who leaves with his new partner ... in Ibiza,and his vacation promises to be eventful.

A multifaceted actor

at 67, the actor has had the opportunity toplay a wide variety of roles throughout his career. He began in the 70s withcomedies such as Les Bronzés, Les Bronzés font du ski or Le Père-No? L a fila,where he often shared the bill with actors from the Splendid troupe.

In 1993, he starred in the hit filmVisitors, alongside Jean Reno. More recently (2014), it’s the comedy What’sbeen done to the good god that places him at the top of the poster. Inparallel, he produced a film: We do not choose his family, released in 2011.

On the personal side, he shared his lifefor three decades with the actress Marie-Anne Chazel, but since 2004, he hasbeen in a relationship with Isabelle de Araujo.

Đánh giá

  • 250đ
  • 10.000đ
  • 65.000đ|↘13%
  • 150.000đ
  • 195.000đ
  • 1.000.000đ
  • 750.000đ
  • 950.000đ
  • 750.000đ

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