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In Chủ đề trước Tiếp theo


Thời gian đăng: 12/8/2013 22:13:07


LivingNext, the First Premier Loyalty Platform in Vietnam, which is IOS and Android based platform to provide services with exclusive private community, exclusive and lifestyle content and exclusive concierge service,  is looking for a talent who has excellent communication skills, both oral and written, strong interpersonal skills to build strong business relationships.
Female and good looking.
Good communication in Vietnamese and English.
Basic knowledge of Iphone, Ipad,  and other smartphone, tablet.
Job descriptions:
The successful cadidates will perform following tasks including but not limited to :
Installing and instructing Living Next application to each citizen of Diamond Island.
Working with Savill, Ascott to collect the information on bills of electric, water, telephone, internet and update to Living Next.
Collecting and updating the latest information from Diamond Island, Savill or Ascott.
Supporting the citizens with any issues relevant to Living Next.
Directly report to Operation Supervisor.
Working time:
9h - 18h, Mon - Fri.
The package:
Salary: Negotiate
Benefits - Healthcare, flexible benefits
Interested candidates can send CV directly to Integration Co. Ltd at 60 Suong Nguyet Anh, Ben Thanh ward, District 1 or mail to hr@integration.vn
Tel: 39255435

Đánh giá

Lưu trữ | Phiên bản Mobile | Quy chế | Chính sách | Chợ24h

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