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Is the press corrupt when covering Big Oil or is it just me? [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 19/8/2017 16:56:29
More than 20 agencies and organizations were part of a full-scale oil spill response exercise – the biggest of its kind – at Kinder Morgan’s Westridge Marine Terminal in Burnaby Thursday.
The terminal will serve as the end-point for the proposed $5-billion Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, so National Energy Board (NEB) evaluators watched with keen interest to see how crews handled what Kinder Morgan called “a credible worst case scenario” involving 160 cubic metres of oil leaking from a failed loading arm.
Multiple booms were deployed around the port while crews on land and in the water hustled to clean up the imaginary spill.
Kinder Morgan containment crews were assisted by eight of the 12 vessels the industry-funded Western Canada Marine Response Corporation stations in the Burrard Inlet, as well as responders from NEB, Transport Canada, the coast guard, and provincial and municipal governments.
“We’re looking to make sure that the company can manage the incident as if it were really happening,” said NEB spokesperson Darin Barter. “That’s why it’s really important to see that they have the full deployment here. We want to see that every eventuality is taken into account, that all the technical and environmental aspects of this exercise are accounted for and dealt with.”
While Kinder Morgan conducts about 20 spill exercises a year along its existing Trans Mountain pipeline from Edmonton, Alta., this is the largest.

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