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What is best mobile with best specification? [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 23/8/2017 22:01:45
I think, it depends on many things like how much budget you can spend, which feature you want in it to be the best. Like its Camera, Processor, RAM etc .. Like there are many best phones, few of them are like Iphone7, Samsung Galaxy S8, we need to decide on the basis of it which you want, google a little bit on it is the Best Way
This days iphone 7, galaxy s8, s8 plus, oneplus 5, moto z, xperia xz premium are the favorites. Shoes, and lots of fo are there before going for a new one like camera, ram, processor and also the most important one is budget. For camera I would suggest iphone 7 or 7plus or pixel XL. For high power processor galaxy s8, s8 plus, oneplus 5, moto with.

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