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please baff castle and tachanka [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 7/9/2017 13:13:15
hey please do something about these 2 ops they are near to usless. Lets start with castle hes ability is very weak it can be destroyed with 12 hits whith a hand, with a breach charge, ash, slege, thermite(i know it isent the best to use but it can still be used in some situetions), hibana(not the best i know but still can be used if needed), and the most anoying of all glaz he can shoot 12 bullets to destroy it plus he can use the thermal scope so it is relativly easy to get a kill on lower ranks or if the defenders arent paying enough attention. I belive he panel should be destroyed with 18 punches, 10 glaz shots but they will not pinatrate and fuze's cluster charge shouldn't be able to be placed at it. if at least some of those are added i belive that castle would become better and used more.
Now tachanka i beleive these opereator shouldnt be existing i and my team only use him to troll, i realy do belive a recruit is beter than him he can have barbed wire and a nitro cell, 1 barbed wire is way better than his mounted lmg. for him to actualy be used for real at a rank i belive his shield should withstand at least 5 more bullets, he should be able to turn at least 280 degrees facing the way the turet is placed and his shield should be a bit wider.
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