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Tips to keep Your Hair Extensions Always Fresh and Soft [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 10/6/2019 14:12:40
Therefore, hair extension is used to improve this condition to help them more confident in the parties and events. So, it is important that you should care for your hair extensions well to keep it in the long run. If you do not know how to do it, this post will help you because we will show you some tips to keep your extensions always fresh and soft as the day you had it installed. Vietnamhair
choose the right hairstyle

It is necessary to choose the hair texture that blend with your own hair. Otherwise, it will look so weird when your hair extensions and own hair do not blend together. Therefore, if your own hair is straight, you can choose straight i tip hair extensions in stead of wavy or curly hair. This is a basic step to have glamorous hair that attracts other’s attention.

Washing your Vietnam hair extensions is a compulsory step in aftercare routine. However, how to wash hair extensions to keep them in a good condition is even more important. To wash your Vietnam virgin hair extensions correctly, you should use lukewarm water and a mild shampoo. you should wash 2 times a week. It is necessary that you do not turn your hair upside down while washing, as this can tangle your hair. About applying conditioner, you should remember to apply this treatment over your mid lengths and ends, avoid the roots.

Be gentle with your hair
Because the hair extensions are sewn onto your hair, you have to be gentle when brush or wash your hair. Do not pull your hair and rip the comb through your extensions. If you do not follow this rule, you have to face up to the risk of falling hairstyles. If your extensions have to suffer too much pressure, they may shed easily. Therefore, be nice to your hair to keep it always smooth and healthy.

Choose the right heat
Although Vietnam virgin hair is natural and can suffer heat, you should limit it because the more heat appliance you apply, the more damaged your hair is. Therefore, keep your extensions from heat appliance as much as possible. For example, in stead of using blow dryer, you can let your haircare dry naturally. This will protect your hair extensions and keep them fresh.

See more: 3 Hairstyles That Make Fine Hair Look Thicker 2019

Above are some tips to Your Hair Extensions Always Fresh and Soft always fresh. Everything needs to be cared well to lengthen the lifespan. If you follow these tips, you can keep your hair extensions in the long run.

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