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Hair care at home – Oscarhair [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 28/6/2019 14:58:20

There several things you can do to your hair at home, maintain its health and save your money.

1.  Shampoo

Some women prefer going to the salon to doing anything to their hair because they do not need to do anything but relax.Shampooing your tresses is easy and anyone can do that. Clean your  hair on a schedule that works with your lifestyle, though a minimum of once per week is recommended. Look cleansers designed to moisturize and hydrate thirsty locks because black hair is often dry by nature.

>> Tips To Help Protect Colour-Treated Hair
2.  Deep condition

If you want to keep your hair as supple as possible, a deep conditioner should be a regular part of your hair careroutine. Identify these products by reading labels. Often, you’re instructed to leave these conditioners on your hair for anywhere from five minutes to an hour. You can slip an inexpensive plastic cap over it and sit under a low-heat dryer, or wrap your head in a warm towel to hold in heat.

3. Condition

Like cleansing, applying a product that gives hair some “slip” and imparts moisture is one of the simplest ways to care for your mane. It’s a good idea to choose a conditioner that, like your shampoo, is moisturizing in nature. After cleansing, squeeze excess water from your hair, generously apply conditioner and comb it through your hair with a wide-tooth comb.

4. Treat with protein

You should add regular protein treatments to your hair, as it will help keep your tresses strong. This is especially important if you relax and color your hair. Protein treatments can be drying if used too often, so you must balance them with regular moisturizing treatments in the form of conditioning and deep conditioning.

So, now you know how to take care of your coloured-treated hair. To buy colour hair of OSCAR HAIR, please contact us by Whatsapp +84936164010 or fanpage OSCAR HAIR for more information.

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