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New World Coins provided by IGGM are legal and reliable [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 23/11/2021 14:57:25
Last week, after Amazon Game Studios discovered a new item duplication exploit, it took New World’s player-driven economy offline for the second time in less than a month. This time, it was because some players used the fault to copy some rare items, which had a great impact on New World, but Amazon Game Studios repaired it in time and permanently banned many player accounts. Now the New World economy has reopened, so players can use New World Coins to trade normally.

In fact, in New World, players cannot do without New World Coins, and they will choose to find a safe platform to buy New World Coins. IGGM is usually the first choice of players. Because the Cheap New World Coins provided by IGGM are legal and reliable, they have gained their trust. They have always insisted on serving customers well and doing their best to complete orders quickly for players. 90% of orders can be completed within 15 minutes. In addition, players who become GameMS VIP members can also enjoy up to 5% discount. However, this time for all players, IGGM will offer a 5% discount on Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday, the discount code is "Thanks". So what are you waiting for? Just act if you need it.
New World Coins provided by IGGM are legal and reliable
Chi tiết

New World Coins provided by IGGM are legal and reliable

Hàng hoá cũ
Hạn giao dịch:
Đã kết thúc
Giá bán:

30 đ

Giá gốc:
40 đ
Giảm: 25%

Đánh giá

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