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CAM RANH BAYANA RESORT Khánh Hòa cần tuyển nhiều vị trí [Copy địa chỉ]

Thời gian đăng: 25/7/2015 12:57:21
CAM RANH BAYANA RESORT Khánh Hòa cần tuyển nhiều vị trí

Cam Ranh Bayana Resort is a luxurious 5-star resort in North Peninsula Cam Ranh, Cam Lam District, Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam to which offer enchanting views to one of the most stunning coastlines in the central of Vietnam. Boasting 250 rooms and 150 bungalows and beachfront villas with private pool, guests are pampered with all the residential touches of home, while providing a lavish escape to beachfront elegance.Moreover, the resort offers contemporary design in a modern sophistication environment: mini golf, 800-seat conference room, spa, karaoke, bars& restaurants. We are seeking for experiencedand passionate candidates to join our team. If you like a challenge then this is the role for you. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.Do something today that your future self will thank you for. The Cam Ranh Bayana Resort is scheduled to open in December of 2015, and now we have a range of different opportunities for you. We are looking for the below potential positions to join our team.

CAM RANH BAYANA RESORT Khánh Hòa cần tuyển nhiều vị trí

- Plumber (thợ nước)
- AC technician (nhân viên điện lạnh)
- Electrician (thợ điện dân dụng)
- Engineering Technician
- Recruitment Manager
- Assistant Security Manager
- Carpenter (thợ mộc)
- Supervisor of engineering (Giám sát cơ khí, nước)
- Supervisor of Energy Management
- Financial Controller
- Laundry Manager
- Executive Housekeeper

Nơi làm việc : Khánh Hòa
Hạn nộp hồ sơ : 31/08/2015

Người liên hệ : Phòng NS

Email : ungvien@hoteljob.vn (việc làm khách sạn)

Địa chỉ : North Peninsula Cam Ranh, Cam Lam District, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam

Chi tiết công việc và nộp hồ sơ trực tiếp tại: hoteljob.vn/Home/Gian-hang/default/11141/trang-chu.aspx

Đánh giá

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